Top 5 Technology Trends For The Future

The smartphone is the most popular mobile phone. In fact, it is the third most popular global item after oil and gold. There are almost 600 million smartphones in existence now, with more than 1 billion users worldwide. As technology spread throughout our daily lives, new challenges arose for software and hardware vendors to meet the needs of consumers. In this article, we will discuss five significant trends that are reshaping technology in the coming decade: 5 Trends That Will drive Digital Transformation in 2021 – Report Card, Impact Analysis, Mitigation Strategy & Legal Framework In 2021 and 2022, digital transformation will be a top topic of interest across all industries as globalization continues to grow. The internet has become one of the leading tools for communication and collaboration ever since the dawn of social media. Today’s digital world requires an increasing level of sophistication from businesses to reach their full potential and stay ahead of the curve. India has emerged as a prominent market player in this regard with its vast development potential and fast-paced economy. We have already discussed some of the main trends driving digital transformation here at Red Dot India that are important to keep in mind if you are going forward in your digital transformation journey. 5 Technology Trends for 2021 India is set to take a giant step closer to becoming an internet-driven nation with blockchain adoption continuing to drive adoption across industries and services alike. Blockchain can be defined as Internet of Things (IIoT) technology connecting various devices together through a peer-to-peer network without central

AI and AI-enabled devices

In 2021 and 2022, digital transformation will be a top topic of interest across all industries as globalization continues to grow. The internet has become one of the leading tools for communication and collaboration ever since the dawn of social media. Today’s digital world requires an increasing level of sophistication from businesses to reach their full potential and stay ahead of the curve. India has emerged as a prominent market player in this regard with its vast development potential and fast-paced economy. We have already discussed some of the main trends driving digital transformation here at RedDotIndia that are important to keep in mind if you are going forward in your digital transformation journey. 5 Technology Trends for 2021 India is set to become a more connected and informed society with the advent of connected and internet-enabled devices. With the advent of smart home devices and smart cities, people are going to get more and more to do their shopping online and also have access to services and products that are only available through the internet. These will include smart home devices and smart city products, for example.

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR)

This is less of a trend and more of an opportunity for smartphone vendors to capture the digital cues and data across multiple devices. AR and VR are about real-time interaction, making them accessible to a much wider audience than would otherwise be able to access such content digitally. Startups and large tech firms are exploring AR and VR as a way to bring the power of the internet to the digital landscape.

Self-service platforms and Apps

These are only the beginning. As the smart home and smart city technologies evolve, so too will be the tools and services users can access through these technologies. One of the most important trends driving cultural transformation is the adoption of self-service platforms and apps. This means that consumers are not required to buy products or services from any particular vendor or company. Instead, they can access the products and services they want and need free of charge. These will range from fitness trackers to smart home devices and will allow users to access the same products and services through a mobile app. AR, VR and even video conferencing are some of the most popular examples of this.

Super Car Future

It will be the future of mobility for all – personal mobility, car and van. This will also be the future of car insurance and car payments. With the increasing popularity of VR, AR and other digital technologies, vehicle systems will come to life through these new media technologies. This will make it easier for users to get involved with their vehicle entertainment and personalization experiences, as well as provide a better experience for guests. The future of auto insurance and car payments will depend on whether car insurance and payments are digital-first or not. The more digital you are, the more likely it is that your insurance company will adapt to your different mobility needs, making these experiences available to customers both at home and on the road.

Software for Future

This is the trend that is driving digital transformation for 2021 and 2022. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence and cognitive technologies, we will see an increase in the number of decisions made by computers and robots. Predictive maintenance will become a major issue for all organizations, with the rise of Artificial Intelligence and smart machines. As these technologies improve, so will be the ability for humans to make informed decisions. New business models and strategies are needed, especially in industries like financial services, where data will power decisions like never before.

Self Drive Car

This is the future of mobility. Every bit of it, from the car itself to the app and services it offers. The digital transformation of the car will play an important part in the future of mobility. With the increasing popularity of VR and AR technologies, it is only a remote start or an app launch away from a car becoming a virtual planet. We will see coverage of connected car entertainment systems like 3D mapping, online navigation and even self-driving car systems.

Internet of Things (IoT)

This refers to the combination of mobile technology and Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things has been around for a few years now, but it has seen rapid development throughout the last few years. With the advent of automotive Internet of Things (IoT) systems, fuel efficiency and driver connectivity are becoming more important than ever. The Internet of Things will also influence everything from food and beverage items to homes and businesses.


Digital transformation is a key focus for business leaders across all industries. It is the culmination of trends and movements that will shape the digital landscape for decades to come. The future of digital transformation will be shaped by five significant trends: AI and AI-enabled devices, Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR), Self-service platforms and Apps, Super Car Future and Software for Future. These trends will drive digital transformation in 2021 and 2022, while also creating opportunities for ecosystemwide transformation. In order to take advantage of these opportunities, digital transformation companies will need to understand and respond to the challenges that will arise.